Hakodate, Japan Mar.15, 2024

Climbing Hakodate Yama and Carl Raymon’s hotdog

I walked towards the mountain through Akarenga Soko, the red brick warehouses and reached the entrance of the trail near the ropeway station within 30 minutes or so. I started to walk toward the top of the mountain around 9 o’clock . The trail was covered with snow. During my climbing of about an hour or so, I passed with a couple of hikers who were going down. They may have started very early in the morning and coming down. I could see the Tsugaru Strait from the trail. Some guidebooks say you can see the Honshu mainland if weather is fine. I was not able to see this time. I realized the trail is lined with cypress trees. I learned later that the mountain was almost bald about 200 years ago after people had cut down the trees completely to use them for heating or fuel. They had stopped logging and planted seedlings of ciders until it recovered to the current level. The mountain has a wide variety of flora and fauna. British scientist Thomas Wright Blakiston found the fauna boundary across the Tsugaru straight between Hokkaido and Honshu. Later this line came to be known as the Blakiston Line. He came to Japan in the 1860’s and spent time in Hakodate. His monument is stood on the top of the mountain near the ropeway station.

I got to the ropeway station on the mountain in about an hour. From the observation deck on the station floor, I had a full view of the city and its vicinity. I was able to see the route where I was walking from the hotel this morning. You can see the Hakodate Airport’s runway on the right. I can see the roofs of Churches or temple below. The mountain had been an island created by volcanic movements and separated from Hokkaido before it got connected after long periods of sediment accumulations and became what it looks what it is now.

Godess of Mercy – One of 33 statutes from West Japan

I walked down the mountain through a different route looking down the city, which I found steep and not good where the slop got muddy with melting snow. During the hiking, I sew a lot of statues of goddess of mercy on the trail. They were originally placed by a philanthropist around 1830, who thought people could get the same benefit of Bodhisattva by walking and seeing them as the pilgrims who actually visited 33 statues when it was difficult to make a Pilgrimage to 33 Temples in West Japan for ordinally people back then. During the mountain was used by the military, they were removed during the war. The current statues were recreated and placed after the war.

Lunch at Carl Raymond

At Raymon House, I had a hotdog and a German potato salad washing down with beer. I felt refreshed after climbing and the lunch at the shop. I decided to call it a day.